Monday, 8 September 2014

Deconstruction of a Front Cover

Here is a front cover from vogue. What I like most about this cover is the simplicity of it all. The model really stands out because it literally is all about the model. I love the colour scheme of this front cover. The pink really screams femininity and you know just by looking at this cover who this magazine is aimed at; women. Aged between 16-30. The white coloured font really works wall against the pink background and makes it seem even more 'girly'. I also like the fact that a well known model, Kate Moss, has been used on the front cover as she is well know within the fashion industry and will obviously help sell the magazine as she really is instantly recognizable. 
The word 'Dazzling' has been printed out at the bottom of the page and really stands out. It is in a bigger sized font compared to the rest of the cover for a reason, because the audience reading it will notice those words first (aside from the actual name of the magazine). Dazzling I think has been used purposely as it does in fact match with the models choice of 'dazzling' choice of clothing. Her outfit is really striking and emphasises that this magazine is mainly all about fashion, clothing and what is on trend. Having Kate Moss on the front cover not only helps sell the actual magazine it does of course sell the clothing.
The lighting in the image is very light and the models face is highlighted alongside the clothing. I noticed that she is very covered up and the only part of her body on show is her face. This shows that the magazine is very chic and that they want us to focus on the outfit and sell lines.

After carefully analysing this front cover I have decided what I would like to take from this cover and how I would like to include it into my own product. As I am doing a regional magazine and would be on a budget I wouldn't use a celebrity, however I would like to imitate the way in which the model has been told to pose and I really like what Kate is wearing so, if it is possible I would like to use clothing similar to this, or something of similar quality. Also the layout, in my eyes, is very good, easy to follow and understand. So I would like to set it out a bit like this, as in the order of the sell-lines and the fonts that are used are so simple but make the magazine look very classy.


  1. What aspects of this contents page might you use in your own magazine remember that everything you analyze should be brought back around to your own product. Also can you change the title to "Deconstruction of a Front Cover" and I think you mean femininity - not feminism.

  2. I have included what I would like to take from this front cover and use on my own. I have also changed the title and the word Feminism to femininity
